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Online Marketing: A Modern Approach to Business

Online Marketing: A Modern Approach to Business

In today’s fast-paced digital world, online marketing has emerged as a vital tool for businesses aiming to thrive and expand. By leveraging electronic media such as smartphones, computers, and the internet, online marketing transcends geographical boundaries. This approach offers a seamless way to connect with customers, share information, and execute transactions. Moreover, it not only streamlines operations but also opens doors for entrepreneurs to explore innovative strategies in sales, purchases, and communication.

What is Online Marketing?

This modern method involves using electronic media such as radio, television, computers, and smartphones to conduct business. In this IT-savvy era, information is easily and quickly accessible. Consequently, entrepreneurs capitalize on this opportunity to expand their ventures, making operations more efficient and effective. Furthermore, it helps businesses overcome geographical limitations, streamlining activities and enhancing reach.

The Benefits of Online Marketing

Online marketing significantly enhances relationships, sales, purchases, and product exchanges. As a result, trade information spreads swiftly and effectively, benefiting businesses of all sizes. Additionally, anyone with a unique product or idea has the opportunity to start a business and explore trading online.

From a communication perspective, it facilitates the transmission of product and service information or payments through phones, computer networks, or any electronic devices that connect people. Thus, it serves as a bridge between businesses and consumers.

Key Types of Online Marketing

The concept is categorized into several types:

  • Business to Business (B2B)
  • Business to Customer (B2C)
  • Customer to Customer (C2C)

Although these concepts share similarities, they differ primarily in terminology and application. Hence, understanding these distinctions is crucial for businesses aiming to implement the right strategy.

Expert Perspectives on Online Marketing

David McGeachie (1999) described this strategy as a method of conducting business electronically. Unlike “e-business,” which refers to negotiations over the internet, this method focuses on trade and transactions conducted online.

Moreover, Mohd Rafee (2000) emphasized its flexibility, allowing transactions to occur anytime and anywhere with the right ICT tools for internet access.

Lee Foong Yeaw (1998) highlighted its wide scope:

“E-commerce includes any form of computerized commercial transactions. These transactions may involve buying and selling products and services on networked computers over the internet by customers or between companies. E-commerce also includes purchasing transactions, electronic fund transfers (EFT), and buying and selling new ‘commodities,’ such as electronic information related to stock prices and classified advertisements.”


Online marketing is not merely a trend but a transformative approach that redefines how businesses operate in the modern age. Consequently, by utilizing electronic media and advanced technologies, it fosters efficiency, connectivity, and accessibility for entrepreneurs and consumers alike. Therefore, whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, adopting this approach is key to staying competitive in a rapidly evolving global market.

Module : Online Marketing
Duration : 2 Hari
Masa : 8.00 am – 5.00 pm
SLOT  1 : What is Online Marketing
SLOT 2 : Market in FB & Instagram & Social Media
SLOT 3 : WebSite , SEO , Blasting eMail etc
Professional Lecture & Trainer
Methodology : Video,Experience , Presentation
Sijil Penyertaan , Jamuan Ringan
SLOT 4 : Google & Yahoo & Microsoft MSN
SLOT 5 : Cyber Crime , Scammer, Fake Account
SLOT 6 : Malaysian Law

Online Marketing: A Modern Approach to Business

Online Marketing A Modern Approach to Business
Online Marketing: A Modern Approach to Business
Online Marketing: A Modern Approach to Business

Online Marketing: A Modern Approach to Business

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